Should We Cancel the $7.7 Billion Student Debt?

How will this impact your wallet and the upcoming elections?

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A Closer Look into President Biden’s $7.7 Billion Student Loan Cancellation

How has mainstream media been covering this story?

What is the left saying?

Many on the left support Biden admin’s student debt relief. They view it as a step toward economic justice and educational equity.

Much needed debt cancellation

Student debt cancellation has been a top issue for Biden. The latest cancellation comes under existing plans and the new SAVE Plan. It aims to provide a faster path to debt cancellation for eligible borrowers.

Announcing the new plan, President Biden says he will continue to cancel student debt.

“I will never stop working to cancel student debtad no matter how many times Republican-elected officials try to stop us.“

Last year, President Biden tried to offer one-time student debt cancellation. But the Supreme Court rejected it, saying it was an overreach of the president's authority.

But, the Student Debt Crisis Center and its founder Natalia Abrams kept asking the Biden administration for debt relief. They're an advocacy group for canceling student debt.

“The president possesses the power, and must summon to the will, to secure the essential relief that families across the nation despearately need.“

President Biden’s action on student debt cancellation has found support from the left. It voices the continued need to provide continued debt relief to millions of Americans.

What is the right saying?

The right is criticizing Biden admin’s student debt forgiveness. They believe it is an unfair burden on taxpayers:

Biden admin adds $7,700,000,000 to taxpayer tab

GOP Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho says taxpaying Americans will have to bear the burden of President Biden’s debt relief schemes.

“President Biden continues to add to the taxpayer tab in his student loan forgiveness scheme. There is no such thing as ‘canceling‘ student loan debt. Someone always has to pay. In this case, the 87% of American adults who DO NOT have student loans.“

The Biden admin's actions on student debt could help them regain the support of young voters. The young voters may have turned against Biden because of his support for Israel's war against Hamas.

The decision may have electoral benefits for Biden. But, Caleb Kruckenberg of the Pacific Legal Foundation, a public interest legal organization, says that forgiving student debt is bad for everyone.

“We have a student loan system that assumes that people are going to pay their debt back, and instead, it’s just this massive government spending policy that has negative effects for everybody.“

The right calls Biden’s decision a burden on taxpayers. They also see it as a political play to win over younger voters.

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

Our Thoughts

Student debt relief is a major issue as the total outstanding student loan debt in the United States is more than $1.7 trillion. It is owed by about 43 million borrowers. But, the way President Biden announced the latest plan less than 6 months before the election raises concerns. It seems like an election gimmick directed towards young voters who are upset with Biden’s stance on the war in Gaza.

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