Why Are College Students Protesting?

College students in the US protest Israel’s Gaza military action

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Nationwide College Students Protest Israel’s Actions

Student protestors have set up encampments on more than 80 US campuses. They demand that universities “publicly condemn Israel's occupation of Gaza as a genocide”. They also want universities to cut ties with companies linked to Israel’s actions in Gaza. And what’s been interesting is that both sides have shown to completely change their acceptance of free speech, depending on the subject.

How has mainstream media been covering this story?

What is the left saying?

Many on the left support the student protestors. They argue that the protestors are exercising their right to free speech.

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Student Students started protesting against Israel's response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas almost immediately. But the university administration didn't notice them.

Soph Askanese, a junior protesting at Columbia, said the university administration wasn’t listening. This led them to prepare for an escalation.

“We talked about what it was like to recruit people and join, and what it would look like if these camps started popping up everywhere.”

The Gaza Solidarity tent encampment first came up at Columbia. It then spread to many other universities in the country. This led to nationwide police arrests and action.

Greg Jobin-Leeds, an expert on social movements, condemned the police for taking aggressive action against campus protestors.

“The signs of a healthy democracy is where you see a lot of protests. Right now, we are seeing the limiting of that democratic state and it’s very, very concerning.“

The arrests and police action on protestors have sparked an intense conversation on the left. It voices the need to protect the right to free speech.

What is the right saying?

The right has been criticizing the student protests, saying the protests are violent and anti-Semitic.

College protests bringing antisemitism back in style

The "Death to Israel" and "We are Hamas" chants during protests disturbed many Jewish students. This was true for many Jewish students no matter how they felt about Israel's government.

Lily Cohen, a 21-year-old Jewish student at Northwestern University, pointed out how antisemitic posters and chants made Jewish students anxious.

“Not everyone is actively endorsing these antisemitic posters and chants and signs of graffiti, but it feels like a large majority is at least OK with it OK enough to ignore it and let Jewish students continue feeling unwelcome.“

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block highlighted the risks of tent encampment on the campus.

He said that the tent camp invited counter-protestors. This disrupted classes and endangered people on the campus.

“…a focal point for serious violence as well as a huge disruption. It has fractured our sense of togetherness and frayed our bonds of trust, and will surely leave a scar on the campus.“

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