Israel Rescued Four Hostages, But At What Cost?

Peace Deal at Risk After 274 Killed in Gaza Operation

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Is Peace Even an Option at this Point?

How has mainstream media been covering this story?

What is the left saying?

Many on the left criticize the operation for causing unnecessary loss of innocent lives:

Hostage crisis ends in bloodshed

The operation took place Saturday mid-morning when streets were busy with people shopping.

“Dogs were eating people’s remains, we pulled out six martyrs, all torn up children and women, we risked our lives to get them to the hospita. The soldiers told us to go back but we had to continue.“

He also stressed that President Biden’s peace deal is the best way to end this war and to ensure the return of all hostages.

“The best way to end this war is for Hamas to say ‘yes’ to the deal President Biden announced and that Israel has accepted, which lays out a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the return of all hostages.“

With the Biden administration intensely pushing for a ceasefire, the left believes that a peace deal stands the best chance to end this war.

What is the right saying?

The right views the operation as necessary and a success:

Israel’s daring hostage rescue mission: A surgical operation

When asked if Israeli forces would have warned Gazans ahead of the operation, Jonathan Conricus, a former IDF spokesperson said no. He said it wouldn't have helped, as Hamas would have killed the hostages.

“For the first time in months, Israelis have a moment to rejoice and there are happy scenes of families being reunified…This isn’t the first time Hamas has jailed hostages in a Palestinian civilian environment.“

President Biden said the new peace deal has a three-phase plan. He said it would bring a lasting ceasefire in Gaza and end the Israel-Hamas war.

Victoria Coates, former Deputy NSA in the Trump administration, said that a permanent ceasefire would allow Hamas to regroup and attack again.

“This only perpetuates the cycle of violence as Hamas regroups and attacks again. The only way there could be an end to all military operations in Gaza right now is if Hamas lays down their arms.“

Opposing Biden’s peace deal, the right believes that a ceasefire would let Hamas rebuild its capabilities and pose future threats to Israel.

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

Our Thoughts

The recent Israeli hostage rescue succeeded in freeing four hostages. But, it highlights the tragic cost of such missions, with 274 Palestinians killed.

This incident shows the urgent need for a peace deal to prevent more loss of innocent lives on both sides.

Both sides must find a balance between their humanitarian concerns and security needs. This is the only way to ensure lasting peace and return of all hostages.

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