What You Need to Know About Trump's New York Trial

Ex-president on trial in historic hush money case

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The criminal trial that could send ex-president Trump to jail

Donald Trump is on trial in a historic criminal case. He is accused of attempting to influence the 2016 presidential election by falsifying business records. The prosecution argues Trump falsified records to cover up hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. The payments were to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump. This makes Trump the first former president to face criminal charges, raising debates over prosecutorial overreach vs criminal accountability through the trial.

How has mainstream media been covering this trial?

What is the left saying?

Many on the left are in favor of the trial. They argue that Trump should face criminal consequences:

Trump is not invincible.

The New York District Attorney’s office charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records of the Trump Organization. But prosecutors pointed out that this is not just another business fraud case.

Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said it was a deliberate attempt to influence the 2016 election.

“This was a planned, coordinated, long-running consipracy to influence the 2016 election, to help Donald Trump get elected through illegal expenditures to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior.“

Stormy Daniels said in her testimony that she had sex with Trump in 2006. It was in 2016 that she learnt Trump’s then-lawyer Michael Cohen wanted to buy her silence. She highlighted that her lawyer reached a deal of $130,000 with Cohen.

Michael Cohen’s testimony further strengthens the prosecution’s arguments. Cohen said he was constantly telling Trump about all the efforts to cover up stories that could harm the campaign.

“Everything required Mr. Trump’s sign-off. What I was doing, I was doing at the direction of and benefit of Mr. Trump.“

Following the testimonies of Stormy Daniels and Trump’s confidant-turned-nemesis Michael Cohen, the left views that the prosecution can prove Trump is guilty.

What is the right saying?

The right is criticizing the trial, saying that Trump did nothing illegal and the trial is politically motivated:

Trump hush money trial is a Frankenstein case that's been zapped into life

During the trial, Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche said the allegations against the former president are baseless.

Blanche denied Trump did anything illegal. But, he said Trump was only trying to protect his reputation and help his presidential campaign.

“…protect this family, his reputation and his brand. It’s called democracy. They put something sinister on this idea, as if it’s a crime. You’ll learn it’s not.“

Trump's lawyers argued that Stormy Daniels shouldn’t be believed. They said Daniels’ porn industry experience makes her an expert at making up stories about sexual encounters.

But that’s not it. Trump has also found support from the House GOP against Michael Cohen. Several Republican lawmakers pointed out that Cohen is a repeated liar. Vivek Ramaswamy also argued that the trial is politically motivated.

The best proof that the Trump trial is a sham: if DJT had done the exact opposite of the alleged crime, they’d still be prosecuting him & have an even stronger case.

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

Our Thoughts

It is hard not to think about the prosecution’s political motive. Because something I’ve noticed looking at previous election cycles is the amount of “activity“ that seems to ramp up as the election nears. So who knows what really happened, that’s for the trial to decide, but the timing is something to consider as 2024 is looking to become one of the most important years in history. No matter who you are planning to vote for, the political implications of this case for American democracy make it all the more important for both sides to be honest.

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