Can Police Arrest Any Illegal Immigrants?

Georgia State passes new bill, some aren't happy...

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Police Can Arrest Anyone Believed To Be Illegal Immigrants

The Georgia State House has passed a bill that empowers police to arrest individuals suspected of being in the US illegally based on probable cause. The bill stipulates that jailers and sheriffs must notify federal authorities if someone without legal documentation is in custody or they risk some kind of penalty.

This comes after the tragic killing of Laken Riley, who was believed to have been killed by Jose Ibarra — a Venezuelan citizen who unlawfully entered the US in 2022 (who was arrested in NYC last year). The new bill has been developing over the last year but has been fast-tracked in recent weeks.

What do the left and the right think about this, and how is mainstream media covering this story?

What is the left saying?

Georgia House passes bill requiring police to help arrest immigrants after student's killing

Although this bill comes under incredibly unfortunate circumstances, some Democrats say this bill isn’t the answer.

“But this bill won’t do it. This bill won’t close our borders. It will not make us safer, and it will not make women safer.”

The law would move Georgia closer to states with “more aggressive” immigration laws — like the ones in Texas.

Democrats have warned the bill would cause people to be detained for long periods, unnecessarily separating families.

“This program ripped apart families, children and families,”

Democrats also stated the bill was rooted in a “false narrative” that immigrants bring more crime than American citizens already commit.

What is the right saying?

GA House passes bill requiring police to detain undocumented immigrants after student beaten to death

Many on the right, even Georgian residents, are saying the Mayor of Athens, Georgia has “blood on their hands”.

Former President Donal Trump also weighed in on the current situation:

"They're coming from jails and they're coming from prisons and they're coming from mental institutions... it's horrible,"

The new bill mandates jail officials to promptly consult with ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) to verify individuals' immigration status.

If this doesn’t happen, sheriffs who disregard the law to check with ICE will be guilty of a misdemeanor.

“Not cooperating with the federal immigration authorities endangers public safety and it makes a mockery out of our nation’s immigration laws, period,”

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

  • The Georgia State House has passed House Bill 1105 with a vote of 97-74, empowering police to arrest individuals suspected of being in the U.S. illegally based on probable cause, Source

  • Legislation comes after the tragic killing of Laken Riley, who was supposedly killed by an illegal immigrant, Source

  • The bill stipulates that jailers and sheriffs must notify federal authorities if someone without legal documentation is in custody or they risk some kind of penalty, Source

  • Jesse Petrea (R) has been developing this legislation for over a year now, but due to recent events has fast-tracked it, Source

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