Secret Tunnel Uncovered In NYC Synagogue

Leading To 9 Arrests & Mass Confusion

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A Secret Tunnel Has Been Found Within A Jewish Synagogue. Many Are Confused, But What’s The Media Telling Us?

Last week, social media was hit by a storm of clips circulating around a secret tunnel found within a New York City synagogue. As police emerged from the tunnel with a Jewish man seemingly arrested, a brawl broke out between worshippers and the police — leading to arrests.

There’s an air of confusion around the purpose of these tunnels, with many false theories unfortunately gaining traction. One motive seems to be around the expansion of the “Chabad-Lubavitch” headquarters. But how have mainstream media across the political spectrum been reacting to this story?

What is the left saying?

The obvious focus was the secret tunnel, with some headlines highlighting the cause on the cause of the brawl and the arrests made that evening:

NYC investigating structural stability of synagogue where chaos erupted over secret passageway

Secret tunnel found in NYC synagogue leads to 9 arrests after confrontation

Highlighted by ABC News, the tunnels were initially found after the city’s Department of Buildings went to investigate structural damage at the Chabad synagogue.

Concrete was then poured into “areas of concern” which sparked the initial agitation among some worshippers.

"The safety of our fellow New Yorkers is our highest priority at the Department of Buildings. We will continue to monitor the progress of this emergency stabilization work, and if necessary, we are ready to take additional actions that may be required in the interest of public safety."

USA Today highlighted the 9 arrests that were made. Some news outlets report a little bit more, some a little bit less.

But the arrests were made on the basis of criminal mischief and reckless endangerment charges.

What is the right saying?

Again, the main focus was on the brawl that broke out. With another outlet highlighting what’s inside the tunnels:

Riot breaks out after secret tunnel is found underneath Brooklyn Chabad

Wild clashes between NYPD, agitators outside synagogue tunnels caught on camera, go viral

If you haven’t seen the brawl, you can click here (the first few seconds of the video shows it).

As a police officer emerges from the tunnel, he appears to be holding a man under arrest. Others in the synagogue are outraged, rushing up to police officers and vandalising the synagogue in the process.

“(A) small minority that have acted very badly”

Berel Bendet (congregation member)

Fox News highlighted videos of the tunnels. The video shows what’s in the tunnel and appears to have various household items in it.

Unfortunately, a minority of online influencers claim this to be evidence of human trafficking, which is untrue. It’s incredibly sad to see misinformation like these theories are very damaging to the Jewish community, especially as we’ve seen an increase in anti-semitism over the last few months.

Note: It’s good to see news outlets aren’t exaggerating the story to get more clicks. It seems to be influencers trying to push “theories” that haven’t yet been proven. It’s incredibly sad to see and since the start of the war in the Middle East, there’s been an increase in anti-semitism across the US. These false theories only encourage this negative behavior.

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

News Worthy:

#1 — 2000 migrants sheltered in school amid storm fears, students do online lessons instead ☁️ 

#2 — Birth control across the US is now much more accessible 🤰 

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