Texas' Border Standoff — Biden vs Texas State

Democrats call on Biden to seize control of Texas National Guard

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Texas Governor defies Supreme Court ruling; says Texas have a constitutional right to defend the border

On January 22nd, a Supreme Court ruling allowed US Border Patrol agents to cut/move “concertina wire” (a.k.a razor wire) set up by the state of Texas along the Mexican border. This comes after 3 migrants unfortunately drowned a few weeks before, with 2 more having been rescued — after suffering from hypothermia.

However, the Texas National Guard has been installing more razor wire along the border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that Texas have a constitutional right to defend itself, blaming the Biden Administration for failing to enforce immigration laws. What is the mainstream media saying about this story?

What is the left saying?

Texas Democrats call on Biden to seize control of Texas National Guard:

Biden Urged to Take 'Control of the Texas National Guard' as State Defies Supreme Court

Congressman Joaquin Castro asks Biden to federalize Texas National Guard

And it’s true. Democrat Joaquin Castro urged Biden to take control of the Texas National Guard, immediately. (Tweet)

“Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border.

If Abbott is defying yesterday's Supreme Court ruling, @POTUS needs to establish sole federal control of the Texas National Guard now.”

There is a large debate regarding whether this is a governmental problem or a state problem.

But regardless, many on the left believe Abbott defying the Supreme Court ruling is “dangerous” to both Americans and asylum seekers. (Tweet)

“Republicans are defying the Supreme Court. Because they don’t believe in our democracy anymore. They are dangerous and must be defeated”

And in a statement made 2 weeks on the Dana Loesch show, he made it clear they weren’t shooting migrants. But seemingly only because they would get charged with murder:

“The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border because, of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”

Interesting way to put it, curious to hear your thoughts on this one…

What is the right saying?

Abbott says Texas has constitutional right to defend and protect the border:

‘Lawless’ Biden has triggered Texas’ ‘right of self-defense,’ Gov. Greg Abbott writes

Abbott declares Texas has 'right to self-defense' from migrant 'invasion' amid feud with Biden admin

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has invoked the state’s right to defend itself against illegal immigration.

Abbott has also blamed Biden for being a “lawless government” after Biden’s more relaxed treatment of immigrants passing through the border.

“…states should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border”

These statements of defiance come after he ordered the Texas National Guard to lay down even more razor wire across the border.

Additionally, 25 states with Republican governors have signed a letter supporting Texas on the border issue.

25 Republican Governors Band Together To Support Texas In Its Fight To Secure The Border

This may make things more complicated between the Texas State and the Biden administration, but now there’s a lot more support for Abbott’s decision.

Trump has also praised the Texas Governor after he refused to remove the razor wire on the southern border.

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

News Worthy:

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#2 — Jury orders Trump to pay $83.3 million for defaming E. Jean Carrol 🧑‍⚖️ 

#3 — Ohio bans gender-affirming care and restricts transgender athletes 🎽 

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