Ukraine Set To Join NATO?

NATO celebrates 75 years of alliance

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Ukraine Set To Join NATO As Organization Marks 75 Years of Alliance

The NATO foreign ministers have collectively decided to aid Ukraine, acknowledging the significant threat posed by Russia. This decision was led by the US, amidst fears that support could be impacted if Trump were to be elected President in this year’s election.

But what do people across the political spectrum think of this decision?

From the Left:

75 years later, we need NATO more than ever

NATO Marks 75th Birthday As Russia's War In Ukraine Gnaws At Its Unity

A big focus of the recent NATO Summit was Ukraine.

The now-32-nation alliance are planning to provide more predictable longer-term military support to Ukraine worth €100 billion.

“Ukraine is under heavy attacks, like daily, 24-seven,”

The much-needed support for Ukraine has been greatly supported by the U.S., amongst others.

Here’s what U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on the matter:

“Support for Ukraine, the determination of every country represented here at NATO, remains rock solid.”

Most notably, Estonia’s Foreign Minister seemed the most supportive of Ukraine, eluding to the fact that Ukraine will become a member of NATO in the future:

"We are creating a bridge, and finally Ukraine will become a member of NATO,"

But there’s one thing many NATO members & those on the left are afraid of…

From the Right:

NATO turns 75 as Ukraine decisions sow disagreement among members

NATO Plots
Trump Survival Strategy

The right highlighted that there’s a lot more friction involved in Ukraine’s potential membership in NATO.

As it stands, most countries within the alliance oppose giving membership to countries while war rages on — but it has been made very clear the door is open in the future.

But the one thing NATO & the left are worried about is Donald Trump because they believe he could completely stop supporting & defending Ukraine.

As Ukraine is not officially part of NATO (yet), he appears unlikely to protect them — even saying he wouldn’t defend certain NATO countries too:

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills,”

NATO members are supposed to spend at least 2% of their GDP on boosting defenses, so if Trump is re-elected this year clouds of concern could form over certain countries.

So, NATO is trying to decide whether to fund Ukraine with €100 billion and whether or not to arm Ukraine.

As an organization, NATO previously provided non-lethal support like transport vehicles, fuel, rations etc.

But will we see that change?

Let’s Seek Common Ground, What Are The Facts?

  • NATO celebrate 75 years of alliance, Source

  • NATO's 32 foreign ministers met in Brussels, deciding to collectively provide direct military aid to Ukraine, currently led by the US through the Ramstein Group, in light of concerns over potential changes in US leadership, Source

  • Long-term military support expected, worth around €100 billion

  • Ukraine is not yet part of NATO but expected to join in the future, made clear by representatives at the NATO Summit (U.S., Estonia)

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